Rose Marie is leaning out a window in her flat, and gazes down at the cars passing by. She sighs. She's bummed out. But, why, you may ask?
Just a few weeks ago, Rose Marie realized that she was adopted. She was raised by a god and a goddess, and therefore, quite naturally, assumed that she herself was a goddess. She always thought she was immortal and had infinite powers. She thought she could do anything, be anyone...
Until her parents told her she was adopted. They told her that she was really just an ordinary, mortal human, with no superpowers... This was hard for her to digest. She was nothing she thought she was, and was having an intense identity crisis. She was extremely bummed out. She couldn't deal with being an outsider in the heavens, so she travelled down to Earth. She saw a city with rainbow flags and figured it was the closest thing to heaven on Earth. She moved into a flat in the Inner Richmond and changed her mind. But she liked it. There was something different and intriguing about it. But she was still bummed out. She had no powers. She would die someday. She didn't have angels serving her ice cream after a long unicorn-back ride over the Himalayas.
Rose Marie contemplates the last few weeks. She sheds a few tears as she thinks about the ice cream. She has some in the freezer, but it's third-rate. She walks into the kitchen to get some, and suddenly realizes that she has run out of food. She decides to go to the supermarket. She asks for food, but they tell her that her credit is maxed out. She doesn't know what to do. She's even more bummed out than ever before. Not only is she mortal, she's also hungry.
She is about to leave, when she hears a soft "ahem" behind her. She turns around. Standing there in her full, radiant glory is Uma the Monkey.
"You having money problems, girl? I can take care of that," Uma says warmly. She hands Rose a wad of cash and tells her to buy some food. Rose Marie refuses at first, but her empty stomach tells her to please take the cash, so she does. After buying a bountiful heap of food, Uma accompanies Rose back to her place. Rose is grateful that she has met a friend in the city. Uma asks Rose if she needs some money advice. Rose tells her story, and Uma realizes that she needs a lot more than advice.
Uma says, "Rose, you've set unrealistic standards for yourself because of who you were raised by. You've got to look at other mortals as role models, rather than immortals." She tells her to accept herself for who she really is and not who she thought she was. She also tells her that she must be grateful that the gods put so much energy into raising her, when some humans could have done it instead. She then says, "Rose, you need to get a job so you can afford to eat and stay in your nice flat".
Rose Marie thanks Uma for her advice and decides to go job hunting, and also do some research on human society and how it works. She has a lot of work ahead of her. But it shouldn't take long, since she is a little smarter and stronger than the average person since she was raised by gods. And, of course, Uma is always there to help, whenever Rose really needs it!
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